Why Preschool Matters
Childhood experts agree: Attending a high-quality program prepares children for kindergarten and beyond. But finding the best option for your child takes time and research. The answer may be right in your own neighborhood…The Educational Service Center of the Western Reserve provides high-quality preschool programs to any child between the ages of 3-5 throughout Lake and Geauga County for the following school districts; Berkshire, Cardinal, Fairport, and Metzenbaum. Students who attend one of the ESC preschool programs have the opportunity to learn language, math, science, and social studies along with literacy and thinking skills in an environment that supports developing self-confidence and self-control in preparation for kindergarten.
Here are 10 good reasons your child should attend one of the Educational Service Center of the Western Reserve preschool programs:
- Preschool is an opportunity for growth: We recognize that for many children, preschool is their first experience in a structured setting with teachers and groups of children. It’s an opportunity to learn to share, follow instructions, and begin the foundation for learning that will occur in elementary school.
- Preschool prepares children for kindergarten: As kindergarten has become more academic, many parents look to preschool to launch their child on the pathway to success in school along with balancing and allowing their children age appropriate play time. The ESC’s high-quality preschool staff ensures that all student needs are met and they understand the individual methods that young children learn and develop.
- Preschool promotes social and emotional development: We recognize that in order to learn, young children need to feel cared for and secure with their classroom teacher. Our high-quality preschool programs are designed to nurture warm relationships with our students, teachers and parents. We know that children thrive when there is consistency in care between home and school and that young children learn social skills and emotional self-control in “real time.” Three and 4-year-olds learn through their experiences and our highly qualified teachers make time for those “teachable moments” helping children to learn and to manage frustrations.
- The preschool environment is structured, although it may not appear that way: We know that a highly structured environment helps young children to learn and allows them to make friends and play well with others. ESC classrooms are organized to encourage social interaction, and minimize congestion and conflicts.
- Children get to make choices: Children have several choices of activities; a child who is wandering aimlessly is encouraged to choose one that interests him. Our highly-qualified teaching staff is alert to a child who can’t figure out how to enter other children’s play and may offer him suggestions on ways to join the group.
- Children learn to take care of themselves and others: Research shows that a children’s sense of competence and self-worth will grow as they learn to take care of themselves and help others. ESC teachers appeal to the young child’s desire to engage in “real work” by offering him/her chances to help out in the classroom. Children are expected keep personal belongings in their “cubby or book bag” and to put away toys before moving to a new activity. Throughout their school years, much of a child’s learning will take place in the company of their peers. In the Lake County Preschool programs, children are introduced to the behaviors required to function successfully in a kindergarten classroom. One example, during group activities such as “circle time,” children learn to focus attention on the teacher, listen while others are speaking, and wait their turn to talk.
- Preschool promotes language and cognitive skills: Preschool-age children’s language skills are developed in a “language-rich” environment in all of the Lake County ESC programs. Between the ages of 3 and 5, a child’s vocabulary grows from 900 to 2,500 words and his/her sentences become longer and more complex. Children have many opportunities to sing, talk about favorite read-aloud books, and act out stories. A young child’s cognitive skills are strengthened by engaging in a wide range of hands-on activities that challenge him/her to observe closely, ask questions, test her ideas or solve a problem.
- Preschool teachers nurture a child’s curiosity: To ensure the highest level of expertise, the highly qualified ESC preschool teaching staff continuously works to increase their own individual teaching skills with over 50% holding a Master’s Degree. We know that preschool-age children have active imaginations and learn through make-believe play. ESC teachers and staff observe, ask questions and listen to children’s ideas during activities — “correct” answers are not the goal. We work to develop their curiosity and motivate them to learn, ESC teachers use children’s interests and ideas to create age appropriate activities.
- Preschool activities boost pre-math and literacy skills: Young children often demonstrate a growing interest in pre-math and pre-literacy skills. They are curious and observant, and they want to be competent in these skills. To prepare children for the academic demands of kindergarten, Lake County teachers offer a wide variety of games and activities that help children acquire the pre- math and literacy skills.
- Preschool helps develop motor skills: To help children improve their physical coordination we allow our students to explore their environment — and to challenge them-in new ways. Young children are in motion for a good part of the day. Our high-quality preschool programs provide several opportunities daily for children to run, climb, and play active games. Activities are offered to help children develop fine motor skills, such as threading beads or cutting with scissors. And children are challenged through a variety of activities to build their hand-eye coordination and balance.
We hope you see why preschool matters, if you have questions about any of the preschool programs offered by the Educational Service Center of the Western Reserve, please call Amy Palker, 440.350.2563 ext 734 or via email at
[email protected]